DT e Acc Program 3

Artificial Intelligence

Design Thinking & Acceleration Program

Choose the business process to optimize and receive a turnkey application specifically designed according to your needs

Artificial Intelligence can unlock great opportunities, simplifying or streamlining daily activities. Use it to make your company more competitive through the redesign and intelligent automation of business processes. Quickly get new value from legacy systems and increase agility and efficiency, thanks to our methodology based on Design Thinking and the most innovative technologies.

Accelerate innovation!

Renew legacy systems

Quickly transform your business processes into real, ready-to-use prototypes. Experience, first-hand, the application of innovative solutions to bring the efficiency and effectiveness of your company's operational processes to the next level.  

DT e Acc Program 1
Work activities that globally have the potential to be automated
Interviewees who reported reduced errors due to process automation
Average efficiency achieved in 3 years thanks to the development of automation solutions
DT e Acc Program 2-1

Redesign your processes

Get more done, with less effort

Face market challenges and achieve your business goals with innovative technological solutions that leverage the power of data and create a competitive advantage, opening up a range of new opportunities. We support you, with in-depth analysis, in the re-design and intelligent automation of processes, in the creation of new value from legacy systems and in the development of agility and efficiency.



Solutions for Design Thinking e Acceleration Program

9 to 5

Get your app prototype in just one day

Monday to Friday

Improve process efficiency with a turnkey application, ready in a week

Center of Excellence

Optimize processes and bring innovation to your company


Dolomiti Energia's digital transformation with Impresoft 4ward
Regione Emilia-Romagna: il viaggio verso il cloud | Impresoft 4ward
Comune di Cervia, la formazione semplice e accessibile per una migliore adozione di Microsoft 365 | Impresoft 4ward

I nostri riconoscimenti per l’artificial intelligence 

Ci impegniamo per offrirvi il miglior servizio possibile e le nostre certificazioni lo dimostrano

Microsoft Cloud Solutions Partner
Microsoft Solutions partner for Business Applications
Microsoft Solutions partner for Data and AI (Azure)
Microsoft Advanced Specialization Modernization of Web Applications to Microsoft Azure


We are committed to providing you with the best possible service, and our certifications prove it

Filtra risultati

EN Great Place to Work 2024-2025

EN Great Place to Work 2024-2025
Microsoft Digital Innovator Champ Award 2024 - Copilot Heroes - Finalist

Microsoft Digital Innovator Champ Award 2024 - Copilot Heroes - Finalist
EN Microsoft Advanced Specialization: Data Warehouse Migration to Microsoft Azure

EN Microsoft Advanced Specialization: Data Warehouse Migration to Microsoft Azure
EN ISO/IEC 27001:2013

EN ISO/IEC 27001:2013